CWHBA Board Member Application

I appreciate your interest in joining the Central Washington Home Builders Association (CWHBA) Board! We're excited at the prospect of welcoming passionate and forward-thinking leaders like you who are eager to ignite positive change in the building industry. Your expertise and enthusiasm are crucial to our mission of advocating for sustainable practices and creating a vibrant community committed to excellence.

  • Position Title: Board Member
  • Position Type: Volunteer
  • Location: Central Washington, with options for remote participation
  • Term Length: 1-3 Years


The Central Washington Home Builders Association (CWHBA) is not just an organization; it's a movement. We are dedicated to championing cutting-edge sustainable building practices, advocating for industry-favorable policies, and fostering an empowered network of like-minded professionals. Our mission is to enhance our community's economic well-being and quality of life through visionary leadership in sustainable construction.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

Before you dive into the application, please take a moment to imagine the incredible impact you can have within our association and the broader community. Picture yourself driving initiatives that set new standards in the industry, inspiring others with your commitment, and leaving a lasting legacy of excellence. This is your chance to shape the future of residential construction in Central Washington and beyond.

We can't wait to hear about your vision and how you can help us achieve our bold goals. Together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future.

Let's make a difference!

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Contact Information


Builder Member - Any person, firm or corporation that is licensed and bonded as an active contractor in the business of building or rebuilding homes, apartments, schools, commercial, industrial, or other structures normally related and appurtenant to a community; and who performs this construction, or resides, within the territorial jurisdiction of this Association; is of good character and business reputation; agrees to abide by the provisions of the bylaws of this Association; subscribes to the purposes of the Association; and meets with the approval of the Board of Directors.


Associate Member - Any person, firm, or Corporation engaged in any allied trade, industry, or profession within the territorial jurisdiction of this Association; who is of good character and business reputation and is properly licensed to conduct business in the State of Washington and agrees to abide by the provisions of the bylaws of this Association; subscribes to the purposes of the Association, and meets with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Builder Member
Associate Member
Not Sure

CWHBA Board of Directors distributes representation on the board of directors through its three major regions (Yakima/Klickitat, Kittitas, and North Central) and across member types (Builders and Associates).

North Central (Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan Counties)
Mid-Central (Kittitas County)
South Central (Yakima and Klickitat Counties)

What motivates you to apply for a board position with the Central Washington Home Builders Association (CWHBA)? What specific aspects of our mission and activities resonate with you?

Describe your professional background and any volunteer experiences relevant to the residential construction industry. How do these experiences equip you to contribute effectively to the CWHBA board?

Joining the CWHBA board offers opportunities for personal and professional growth. What are you hoping to learn or achieve through your service on the board?

 Optional supportive documents.

20MB max

Which committees are you interested in serving on? (Select all that apply)

Government Affairs Committee
Finance Committee
Membership and Outreach Committee
Event Planning (Adhoc)
Governance Committee

Please provide the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of two professional references who can discuss your qualifications and experience.

Do you have any conflicts of interest that the board should be aware of? If yes, please describe.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your professional philosophy, or your vision for your role on the CWHBA board?